sábado, 11 de janeiro de 2014

Bout of Books 9.0 Read-a-Thon - Saturday, January 11th

Pages read today: 170

Pages read so far: 712 + 170 = 882

Books read today:
170/272 pages (62,5%) of Frigid by J. Lynn/Jennifer L. Armentrout

Books read so far:
Bitter Sweet Love by Jennifer L. Armentrout
The Shadowhunter's Codex by Cassandra Clare and Joshua Lewis
Frigid by J. Lynn/Jennifer L. Armentrout

Challenge: Book Staging hosted by Kate @ Midnight Book Girl
Take a picture of a book you’re reading today, or any book you have lying around. In the picture you should have the book in a setting, or surrounded by items, that represent the book. It can mimic the cover, or represent characters/events/etc from the story. Basically, make us want to read the book based on picture alone.
I'm reading Frigid, by J. Lynn /Jennifer L. Armentrout, and all that talk about snow is positively freezing me. So I picked this book for the challenge, and I decided to warm it up a little.
There, you poor thing, I hope you feel better, with a scarf, a pair of gloves, a beanie and a blanket.

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