sexta-feira, 23 de março de 2012

The Iron Duke, Meljean Brook

This book is for the Steampunk Reading Challenge, hosted by Dark Faerie Tales.

Review: Well, this author was a very nice surprise. She balances the romance with a fantastic worldbuilding and exciting plot, and bonus, she discusses Portuguese pastry by page 4!

The plot, as I mentioned, is complex and takes many twists and turns, with a mystery that captivated me. I was rooting for Mina to find her brother again, and that she and Rhys would figure out what was going on. And the worldbuliding! So complex! I was very excited to discover the hows and whys behind the steampunk part of the book - the time under Horde rule, how people are divided between having bugs and mechanical parts, or not having them, the prejudices toward Mina and people like, the airships... everything!

As for the characters, Meljean Brook certainly creates some memorable ones. I wasn't a big fan of Rhys, because he is a bit too possessive and stalkerish for my taste (he even tries to get Mina into his bed using her brother's life as leverage... not cool, I would have used Mina's opium darts on him a lot more), and because he seemed so underdeveloped compared to Mina. It seems I never got what made him tick. (Pun somewhat intended.)

Mina, on the other hand, was a fully fleshed character. It was great to read about what she had to face every day, the support of her family and friends, how everyone who knows her really cares for her, and she still kicks ass and knows how to fend herself. I loved how she was devoted to her family. The romance was satisfying, with some interesting, steamy scenes. Though I would have liked Rhys to tone down his intensity, but I liked how the romantic part didn't overwhelm the rest of the story.

And there were so many other interesting characters! Yasmeen and Fox, who are the main characters in book #2 and seem to have a juicy backstory; Scarsdale, who I wish would have a story of his own and a happy ending - he is so amusing and interesting; and Newberry, who was such a good unofficial bodyguard for Mina, and of whom I'd like to see (well, read) more.

All things considered, I really enjoyed this book, despite the romance (that sounds weird, I know). Meljean Brook summons a complex, compelling story that made me think. I will certainly be reading more of her books!

Pages: 384

Publisher: Berkley Sensation

6 comentários:

  1. O worldbuliding é qualquer coisa realmente. Pena que o romance estrague um bocadinho as coisas, para mim.
    E finalmente podemos falar da cena que me deixou :0 -> O_O -> x_x ... a história da vela que a Mina conta ao Rhys, oh God, nightmares!!

    1. Também preferia que o romance fosse, sei lá, diferente, mas o worldbuilding compensa muita coisa, felizmente.

      Estás daquilo que foi, hã, incorporado pelos bugs? Tenho a dizer que a Meljean tem uma devious mind por se lembrar de um bocadinho de worldbuilding tão... nojento. Mas ao mesmo tempo estava-me meio a rir por ela se ter lembrado daquilo. Tão estranho!

    2. Yep, estou a falar dessa coisa que foi "incorporada" pelos bugs.. fiquei com aquela imagem na minha cabeça durante o resto da cena, e pior, só conseguia pensar: oh God, como é que aquilo saiu?? nightmares!! nightmares!! X_X

    3. Sim, o trauma! E matou aquela cena de sexo, também fiquei a pensar nisso durante o resto da mesma, a tentar perceber como é que aquilo se resolvia... e a tentar perceber a mecânica da coisa. :O

    4. Completamente, foi a morte da cena!

  2. Obrigada! Tentarei responder nos próximos dias. ;)
