sexta-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2013

Wicked Valentine’s Read-a-Thon - Friday, February 8th

Pages: 160

Total pages read so far: 241 + 160 = 401

160 pages of Wolf Pact, Melissa de la Cruz (not yet finished)

 Books read so far:
Wolverine: The Reckoning, Daniel Way, Marjorie Liu, Scot Eaton, Will Conrad, Stephen Segovia, Mierco Pierfederici
Wolf Pact, Melissa de la Cruz

This challenge is called The Dating Game. The idea is to choose two different book characters to go on a date. Although each character must be from two totally different books or series. Once you know who you are going to choose then your next step is to tell me where they will being going on the date. Your welcome to post a image of a certain place as well. Next, I need to know what they will be doing on their date and why you think both characters would make a great couple. You are welcome to use pictures if you'd like.

You know what? I have my The Farseer Trilogy's books (by Robin Hobb) right in front of me, and if there is someone who needs a break is Fitz, the main character. Poor guy, everything bad happens to him and he is sometimes in a depressing mood as a result. I'm sending him on a date with Izzy Lockwood from the Mortal Instruments books by Cassandra Clare, because Izzy is not prone to feeling sorry for herself and she would snap Fitz out of it.

I would send them to a nice restaurant, because I think Izzy would appreciate the value of good food and good conversation, but the date would soon get off the track when they started discussing the mortal and devious uses cutlery could have. Next thing I know, they end the night playing paintball, of all things. I think it could let them blow off some steam from their very stressful lives.

2 comentários:

  1. Não conheço o gajo mas deve ser melhor date do que o Simon.

    Paintball, awesome! :D

    1. O rapaz em si é um bocado deprimente, com toda a auto-comiseração em que ele mergulha de vez em quando xD, mas bolas, tenho pena, só lhe acontecem desgraças. Acho que a Isabelle era a pessoa perfeita para o abanar e tirar daquela depressão. xD

      Lol, pensei no paintball porque um é um assassino e a outra caça demónios, podiam ligar-se através da fúria de dar cabo dos inimigos no paintball. xD
