terça-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2013

With All My Soul Mini-Reading Challenge

WAMS Mini-Reading Challenge

Just signing up for another challenge, a mini-challenge, since I entered Fiktshun's Soul Screamers Reading Challenge last year and I loved it. It was a great feeling, to read almost all the books in this series back-to-back, because I fell in love with the story and the characters. It's almost too sad to say goodbye, especially because I feel Rachel Vincent has in store so much heartbreak for me, but I'm also excited to read the final chapter of Kaylee's journey.

You can sign-up here (or click the above image) - there's a sign-up giveaway for a copy of With All My Soul, the last book in the series (you can gain extra entries for the sign-up giveaway if you make a participation post such as this).

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