Pages: 345 (total so far: 1203)
Hours: 4 hours (total so far: 19 hours)
Hours: 4 hours (total so far: 19 hours)
Books: River Marked/O Diabo do Rio, Patricia Briggs
Spider-Man - Death of the Stacys, Stan Lee, Lee Weeks, Gerry Conway, Gil Kane
(previously read: Losing Lila, Sarah Alderson; Throne of Glass, Sarah J. Maas)
Spider-Man - Death of the Stacys, Stan Lee, Lee Weeks, Gerry Conway, Gil Kane
(previously read: Losing Lila, Sarah Alderson; Throne of Glass, Sarah J. Maas)
Challenge: Music hosted by Aneeqah @ My Not So Real Life
The rules are simple. All you have to do is choose one book that you’ve read this year, or one of your favorites, or even a book that you’ve read for the readathon. Then, choose a song that matches your book. Post a picture/link to your book, and a embed/link your song.
This feels almost too easy. I usually listen to music when reading, and I am prone to listen to the same album over and over until I tire. Sometimes I am lucky enough that a song resonates what I'm reading, and then that song and that book are forever entwined in my mind. The song reminds me of the book, and vice versa.
My Life Would Suck Without You, a song by Kelly Clarkson, reminds me of Riley and Beck in the Demon Trappers books. Their relationship is turbulent, but they do seem destined to be together. Besides, I can totally see Riley throwing out his stuff out the window after a fight.
Challenge: Page 99 Test hosted by Nova Reylin @ My Seryniti
- Choose a book that you have on your to read list.
- Read page 99.
- Comment below and let us know how you feel! Did page 99 draw you in or push you away? Are you more curious or less?
I chose For a Few Demons More, the 5th book in the Rachel Morgan series by Kim Harrison. In page 99 of my edition, Rachel and Jenks are discussing his daughter's suitors. I wasn't a big fan of Jenks at first, but now I adore him, and his relationship with Rachel. It's reassuring to read about him after what transpired in the last book. This excerpt makes me more curious to read about what's going on with Rachel and everyone this time around.
Challenge: Virtual Travels or Reading Around the World hosted by Stella @ Ex Libris
Choose a book and find a picture to match the setting you envision for the novel.
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