domingo, 5 de agosto de 2012

Summer Wrap-up Read-a-Thon - Sunday, August 5th

Pages: 533 (504 + 29)

Hours: 4 hours

Os Túnicas Azuis - Réquiem por um Azul, Raoul Cauvin, Willy Lambil
Despertar - Pesadelos, Alfonso Azpiri
Fol, Patrick Prugne
Fadas e Ternos Autómatos, Téhy, Béatrice Tillier
Âromm - Destino Nómada, Jorge Zentner, Ruben Pellejero
 Nomad - Memória Viva, Jean-David Morvan, Sylvain Savoia, Philippe Buchet, Jean-Jacques Yves

Code Name Verity, Elizabeth Wein

Challenge: Hotter Than Summer hosted by Trini @ A Book Lovers' Review
I need for you to create a small but fun post with a
1. List of characters (as many as you want) that you think are HOTTER than Summer
2. Add the book title or book cover
3. Put your rating
4. Link up your review (Amazon, blog, Goodreads, etc.)
5. Explain why you picked him or her.

This is US/Canada only, so I won't be able to enter, but I might answer this one for fun later.

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